Cookies that measure website use (statistics)
SearchWP is used by our site search engine “SearchWP” to track common search terms and help improve how we optimise the site.
Name | Purpose | Expires |
swpext86386 | This cookie is used by SearchWP Metrics to track clicks within the search results. | 1 week |
Cookies set by other websites (marketing)
Some of our pages may contain content from other sites, like YouTube or Vimeo, which may set their own cookies. These sites are sometimes called ‘third party’ services. This tells us how many people are seeing the content and whether it’s useful.
In addition, if you share a link to a page, the service you share it on (for example, Facebook) may set a cookie. We have no control over cookies set on other websites – you can turn them off, but not through us.
YouTube videos
We use YouTube to show videos on some pages. YouTube sets cookies when you visit one of these pages.
Name | Purpose | Expires |
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE | Used by YouTube to count the views of embedded videos and provide bandwidth usage statistics | 6 months |
VISITOR_PRIVACY_METADATA | Used by YouTube to store the user’s cookie consent state for the current domain | 6 months |
GPS | Stores location data of the current user based on geographical GPS location | session |
YSC | Used by YouTube to prevent spam, fraud and abuse. The YSC cookie ensured that requests to YouTube and Google are being made by the user, and not by other sites. | session |
PREF | YouTube uses the ‘PREF’ cookie to store information such as your preferred page configuration and playback preferences like explicit autoplay choices, shuffle content, and player size. For YouTube Music, these preferences include volume, repeat mode, and autoplay | 8 months |
Strictly necessary cookies (functional)
Cookies message
You may see a banner when you visit inviting you to accept cookies or review your settings. We’ll set cookies so that your computer knows you’ve seen it and not to show it again, and also to store your settings.
Name | Purpose | Expires |
CookieControl | Used by the Civic Cookie Control consent system to store the accepted cookie policy ID. | 1 year |
Other essential cookies
Essential cookies keep your information secure while you use our website. We do not need to ask permission to use them.
Name | Purpose | Expires |
wpe-auth | Used to store logged in user status | session |
wp_lang | Used by WordPress to store the users language preferences | session |
wp_data_user_* | Used by WordPress to provide administrative functionality | various |
wfwaf-authcookie-* | This cookie is used by the Wordfence firewall to perform a capability check of the current user before WordPress has been loaded. | 1 day |
wf_loginalerted_* | This cookie is used to notify the Wordfence admin when an administrator logs in from a new device. | persistent |
wfls-remembered-* | For users who use MFA when logging in, this cookie allows them to log in with the same browser without requiring MFA each time, for up to 30 days. | 1 month |